As I enter my 50th year, I am amused at life! Present moment awareness is a most refreshing perspective which I enjoy now. Life is flowing nicely as I practice simple daily gratitude and engage with love, entering into a new decade…
…. To start with I will celebrate life with family and folk interested in sharing in a “Cad É? – What’s Happening?” outdoor meet-up event on Saturday, August 27th in the willow dome at our home in Greencastle, Inishowen, Co. Donegal. Are you interested?
An afternoon of food, relaxation and creative sharing including:
- Info share—harvest our stories & news, in particular Cultural Emergence & methods of People Care.
- Social time for all ages
- Creative through music, arts and crafts
- In an outdoor willow dome
- On a family farm inspired by permaculture
- Invitation event -please inquire—0861211898 and
- Option to continue the conversation—Thursday evenings in September—online sessions – see poster below (more info from
Why ask “Cad É? What’s Happening?”? Well, it’s creating a way to simply be present and to listen and speak from the moment and in my experience that is one of the most beautiful experiences we can share.
Sourcing from the insight of Social Permaculture & indigenous wisdom from 8 Shields, I will share some of the Core Routines of Cultural Emergence which I learned at CELT this summer. These include ways to connect with nature and each other which make it simpler to get things done together and enjoy the process through the ACORN model, which is a delivery system to get people connected. In my experience, what emerges is more organic & enables each person to shine while participating in a shared project. It’s optional to continue the exploration online in September.
This offers fantastic opportunities for living a happier and healthier life in these sometimes challenging times we live in. This will interest community facilitators and families interested in regenerative and healthy practices, simple enough to integrate into our lives.
If you are at all interested please let me know … let’s see what we can grow! Please write to:
(CELT stands for Cultural Emergence Leadership Training and as I understand it, is simply facilitating what’s happening in nature and nurturing the conditions to allow us to be ourselves! I offer a big thank you to mentors Looby Macnamara and Jon Young and to all who have inspired me through their passion and presence)
ps the next day, Sunday Aug 28th, you might be interested in another local event – North West Yoga Day for all ages—a music & activities fundraiser on the Isle of Doagh, Inishowen.