Innovative Education Opportunities

Invite to support now to ensure this land is safe for us to gather on…

UPDATE: A change with grace and integrity is what I have witnessed.  A more naturally paced project has come of this fund raising.  See the GoFundMe page to read the update.💖
Welcome to a chat about the centre of Ireland… valid NOW this week as we are asking for your contribution in the fundraiser. Harnessing the Amazing POTENTIAL with your participation… May we shine together! 💖😊🎶A video conversation exploring this project

Trees to plant and harps and bodhrans to be played!

Aoife explained before we began the recording that over the recent years that she has been on this land near the Hill of Uisneach that the land spoke to her offering healing and inviting gatherings… It is a magic existence that we are sharing and witnessing emerge…

I love the experience of cultural emergence around the campfire and anticipate touring Ireland and visiting this pristine land.  Care to come?  Let me know if you have contributed and I will keep in touch to let you know when I’m heading to the centre to create!

Click here to GoFundMe Oct. 2019