Innovative Education Opportunities

Evolving Connections

Experiencing flowing in body and knowing

No matter where I am going

Like a wave or a drop of water

uisce faoin uisce within being revealing

Recently, I have been invited to offer workshops and events which highlight some of my favorite things!   One is connecting with others, at a ‘get-together ‘ where we all are the stars – a Conversation Cafe for ‘Bealtaine – Age & Opportunity’!  And another is seeing our connections with water through the eyes of another – a film about rivers and people in New Zealand, Seven Rivers Walking…

My (and maybe yours too) diary of upcoming events – all of which flow nicely together – weaving a wonderful life together:

Conversation Cafe – A Light-hearted event with you as the star!  Come and share your golden moments from nature & life, in conversation with friends and family – an Inter-generational gathering.  Free to attend.

We will start with some relaxing music and then with a cup of tea or coffee in hand we’ll talk in small groups about our golden moments from our life, in particular expressing special moments in nature and with family.  Doodling is encouraged, as it helps us to remember the gems from our conversations.

So an hour or so of music, nature and art is the treat Kathleen O’Hara Farren has in store for you, this Bealtaine Festival season.    A local Cultural Creative, Kathleen has initiated many interesting events in Inishowen over the years including the Inishowen Summer Gathering, the Anchor Arts Centre and Celebrate Water!  She’s been learning the art of hosting with World Cafe and a selection of creative workshops.

Film Premier: Seven Rivers Walking

A feature documentary – an intimate portrayal of the challenges around water in Canterbury, New Zealand.

Screening in Moville’s St. Eugene’s Hall Sat April 28th at 6:30pm with a walk by the local River Bredagh at 5:30pm.


Permaculture – August in Wicklow

Tree Walkers Gathering (get in touch with Kathleen kathleen(at)

Circle Way- Early June (get in touch with Kathleen kathleen(at)