A day where my dreams become real… is one where I share my creative focus with the community – a Spring Meditation with gentle sounds and floral smells and then midst rain and wind on the main street, energised youth demonstrate their interest in a healthy future, by making choices today that are closer to caring for the natural world than what has been the case to date.
I happened to be ‘out of memory’ on my mobile phone so did a Livestream and shared my inspirations on how nature provides, both from our own inner senses and from the great outdoors.
Enjoy this video of the student from Moville Community College on a Friday afternoon, a date which may mark an empowering new way of being in the world… March 15th, 2019.
Climate Action in Moville video
Every Friday would be a good time to have weekly focus on how our health and attitudes are connected with the environment. I am ready to host such a conversation for any group, using World Cafe and Heart Communication methods… I have a Cool Social tool-box to share! Just ask me…