Update: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/how-to-do-a-spiral-garden-experience-the-workshop-tickets-752787145617
This is so good and enjoyable that I’m keen to let you know about this simply created experience so… it is a free webinar with option to donate.
Feel your heart soar in a peaceful place with family, friends or alone… learn how to make it happen with this online workshop that I’m offering on Sunday, November 19th 6:30pm Irish time.
The Spiral Garden is an experience that children remember, it is a touchstone for us all as we recall pure innocence and joy. How? We sit in circle and walk the spiral path to light our candle… this kindles so much joy.
This brings us to Peaceful Presence. And you can do it with your loved ones… PLUS a new song & story is being composed for this year’s Spiral Garden which is on Sunday Dec. 3rd. So let’s get ready to make it happen wherever you are.
Oh, and my heart says to give it to you without charge in advance but rather to ‘pass the hat’ after the event. Write to me if you’d like the link to our online workshop. The call is on Sunday Nov. 19th 6:30pm Irish time. A chairde, friends you are welcome. kathleen@theedgeschool.net ❤️