Innovative Education Opportunities

Circles, Community, Culture, Creativity – gratitude!

May you feel held in the circle

May you be centred in your centre

May you feel support from the whole within, without, withall

May your creativity flow

May your inner light shine, keeping you warm inside and reminding you that we are living in extraordinary times

May our extra-ordinariness be a gift to all, within, without, withall


(Photo: Uisneach 2001 World Peace & Prayer Day)

It’s nine months before my 50th birthday.

It’s 15 and a half years since I met my husband Brendan.

It’s 13 years since I became a mother and began the journey of home birthing & home educating.

It’s 4 years since our house fire.

It’s 1 year since we celebrated the opening of our new workshop.

It’s the end of an era.

It’s the beginning of a new one.


My wish is for us all and each to be centered, creative and truly ourselves.   Practicing daily gratitude has become nicely integrated into my family life and makes all the difference.  Connecting with the natural in the wilds outside and in the heart of each person I meet has become a pleasure for me.  Over the years I notice that the times when life has been truly great for me is when I sit ‘in circle’ and often that is outdoors when I can notice nature more.

I am delighted to be in a position to offer some support to people who are ready to move on, leaving the old story behind, freeing themselves from trauma and allowing themselves to shine!    Living on the edge is a most interesting place and I’m happy to say that I am centred and as a good friend sensed about me recently, I am consolidated!  From this place, I can share some tools and introduce you to some facilitators who I have lined up to come to Inishowen.

This new culture creation requires a co-operative community and a supportive society and it’s been working on a small scale for me and I hope to find kindred folk who are keen to learn how to effectively and harmoniously work and play together!  So find your way to my (newly forming) mailing list and I will send you regular news about local and national events related to heart communications, energy healing, home education, wilderness school, social permaculture and with all that I will integrate song, story and creativity!   Emergence is the key so engage with this space…. step up and enjoy!

Participatory events to pencil in for 2017 (booking in advance is truly supportive):

January 20th -22nd – Talks and consultations with JANE DONALD in Derry and Inishowen.  Jane is a healing therapist, author, photographer and gardener.  A rare opportunity – highly recommended.

May (probably 26th -28th) – CULTURAL EMERGENCE Foundation Course – Ireland’s 1st  which will be a most powerful and enjoyable liberating experience – Inishowen, Donegal/Derry.

Summer (date to be decided) – ALL IRELAND PERMACULTURE GATHERING – County Donegal

I’m always on the lookout for people interested in sharing the wisdom tools that I have been given – so if you’d like to learn natural co-operative event management through the Acorn Model and might like to be involved in World Cafe, Heart Intelligence, Cultural Renewal, Energy Healing approaches like TARA and ‘the like’ please do get in touch.   Admin and grant form filling support is especially welcome!  Also I’d welcome help editing some great film footage that survived the fire and would be a treat to share….

We are now a Wwoof (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) host family farm!  This means the land, animals and people here will have more caring hearts and helpful hands to create a permaculture inspired family farm and creative haven on the edge of Inishowen, Donegal.


I have written an article called “What’s New?” for Other Wise magazine Winter 2016-’17 issue – available nationwide.

Brendan has some wonderful willow weaving tutorials online

Keep well!

Love Kathleen