Blog Cultúr Nua - New Culture Family Gaeilge Growing food Innovative Education Opportunities Perfect Health Wild Calm Creations

New & Wholesome Highlights

Playing my part, Doing my bit, Here are some highlights aka ‘aibhsigh’ Hoping you enjoy some highlight images of what I’ve been upto of late… some food & herb harvesting, making wee gnomes, fairies & angels, kayaking twixt the river & the sea, pastel art, silk-printing a special image of Inishowen, walking the dogs along […]

Blog Cultúr Nua - New Culture Family Growing food Innovative Education Opportunities

Feeling new era like… songs & seeds

Slow paced life is my favorite!  Indoors with weather playing up a storm now – snow earlier this week and me in bed missing Sean Nos Dance class amongst other external activities – yet it is within that the true life lives! This week has had so much happen – and I was asleep for half […]

Blog Growing food Innovative Education Opportunities Perfect Health

Salads, Spuds & Song – Grow Your Own & Sing Your Own

 In this video, the latest in the series, Patrick McCartney shows us how to grow salads, potatoes and then he shares his own composition about where he lives along The Foyle in Inishowen, Donegal. I am so grateful to have Paddy as a friend and neighbour. He has trained many people over the decades, and […]

Blog Growing food Innovative Education Opportunities Perfect Health

Inviting you to a New Mailing System!

If you like to keep in touch with me please join the new mailing list.  I’ll inform you of interesting events and will send you short video’s to assist with WellBeing. I am delighted to have made contact with the 62 people who signed up to The Edge School mailing list and have patiently been […]

Blog Growing food Innovative Education Opportunities Perfect Health

Paddy’s Garden – growing food video series

My neighbour Paddy McCartney is a gem and is generously showing me how to grow food.  I am happy to be sharing this with you, friends & family. This tricycle will be most helpful as Paddy check’s out his recently planted forest (on the hill)! As I gather my film-making tools and brush up on […]