
The old structure becomes Bright Light tonight

Feeling at home in myself, hearing my heart midst birdsong.  Loving this pupa place while tending to the self.  Building strong core and centre… the butterfly is emerging.   Meanwhile this Bealtaine… The old structure is crumbling. This old dome will be tonight’s firewood. As we connect with the centre of this island Igniting the […]


Forest & Beach Audio Visual

Would you like to visit a forest today?  A beach?  This beautiful bright Bealtaine May Day, like the budding plants, I too break through my shell or hull and share what I see, feel and think at the forest and the beach! I am practicing sharing unedited audios! So here you go! ps I’ve a […]


Daily Blessings: Healing of the Heart / Beannachtaí Gach Lá: Slánú an Chroí

From Autumn Equinox 2019 to Spring Equinox 2020 I am offering a special daily Healing of the Heart. You really have to experience it to know it and I will share it with you daily for either one month or more as you request. I offer a free healing Monday Sept 23rd and 30th and […]