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A New Song Gathering – ATTUNE trí Gaeilge

Fancy a new song in Irish?  Have you one?  Come Gather…

Gathering to share new sing-along songs and chants in Irish – expressing our love of life and nature.     Beidh an cruinniú timpeall an tine (ar Zoom) ag canadh amhráin nua atá spreagtha ag an timpeallacht. (6ú Marta,7:30pm)

Cruinniú leis na filí nua atá “ag teacht amach as na sléibhte”. Beidh an cruinniú timpeall an tine (ar Zoom) ag canadh amhráin nua atá spreagtha ag an timpeallacht.

Beidh muidinne ag cur i láthair amhráin agus dánta nua, a thagann as ár rannpháirtíocht leis na heilimintí: Aer, Talamh, Tine, Uisce agus Nach Eol (ATTUNE). Amhráin le haidiachtaí agus mothúcháin a léiríonn go sonrach dearcadh nua (cosúil leis na ‘Waulking Songs’ ó Albain agus Chanting nó Rounds Singing).

Is féidir le daoine sa bhaile (ar Zoom) canadh chomh maith (gan mic). Beidh atmaisféar timpeall na tine ann le gach duine ag glacadh sealanna.

Glaoch ar Zoom le rannpháirtithe as fud na tíre agus roinnt thar lear.

Tá fáilte roimh gach duine ann.  Má tá amhrain agat, abair liom!    Booking & Eventbrite (Yes, it is free!)


At this Gathering around the fire (on Zoom) we will be singing new songs inspired by the environment. (March 6, 7:30 pm) We will be meeting with the new poets & bards who are “coming out of the mountains”.  We will be presenting new songs and poems, which come from our involvement with the elements: Air, Land, Fire, Water and Unknown (ATTUNE). Songs with adjectives and emotions that specifically reflect a new perspective (like the ‘Waulking Songs’ from Scotland and Chanting or Rounds Singing). People at home (on Zoom) can sing along as well (without mic). There will be a campfire atmosphere with everyone taking turns, with participants from across the country and some overseas. Everyone is welcome. Booking & Eventbrite Information:   If you have songs, let me know!