Hand on Heart – this weekend will be special!
The preparation process has been a pleasure – in all the best (Permaculture) ways, for example, Valuing the Edge & Diversity by learning to see the benefits from leaning into and on the edge of the known to a new workshop offering. Also I’m really enjoying the qualities that are brought when a new group forms: myself, Hannah and Marella are all looking forward to facilitating Living Permaculture from the Inside Out – feeling it will benefit all who attend and those we engage with afterwards.
Living Permaculture from the Inside Out will enhance what we do naturally and help us bring People Care to the centre as we enter a season of stillness. The space is ready, the group is forming and the time is right for this experiential workshop weekend!
More information and booking details: http://www.hannahmole.com/blog/space-and-stillness